a recovering evangelical writes about homosexuality

I sit here at the computer, but my fingers don’t move. They are still, though my heart beats rapidly. I have wanted to write this since June 26th of this year, when a chasm already existent in America deepened to the lava core. But to be honest, I have been afraid: How many people in my life will defriend me for this post? How will I write this? How much questioning of my soul’s state will I bear? How do I even say what I think in any articulate or assertive manner? And then I was invited by the July 2015 synchroblog to write about gay marriage. A Divine Nudge. After all, what is writing if not a dangerous exploration?

I hope this dangerous exploration is sanctified by the truest Love.

Growing up, those of homosexual preferences were 1, foreign and/or 2, the butt of jovial jokes and insensitive insults. But this was out of ignorance, not fear or condemnation. That all shifted when I dove heavily into a strict, evangelical, conservative church during my formative years. The beneficial thing about such a context was I had very little decisions to make based on my own opinion. The toxic thing about such a context was I had very little decisions to make based on my own opinion. And so the decision, as ordained by the Words we leveraged to speak the words we declared as “the one true and only way,” was that to be homosexual was a sin: sad at best, disgusting at worst. Abominable.

I still cringe typing that. (Of course, we loved the sinner, even though we hated the sin.)

What I learned during that time of my life is undeniable in its treasure: discipline and self-control, true and authentic friendship, the art of leading, how to set apart sacred times for the Sacred, the skills of analysis and teaching that analysis, the delineation between superficial vs. deep, passion, social skills, humble service, etc. However, what I absorbed during that time is a subtle poison from which I’m still trying to detox:

  • Many Christian systems manipulate the bible to get what they want…and to feel good–or in true martyrdom, to feel guilty–about it. The fancy-pants term for this is proof-texting. This is the ability to condemn homosexuality while still allowing women to speak in church. This is the ability to declare one set of rules as softened by context (the Old Testament) while adhering to another set of rules more rigorously (the New Testament). This is the ability of a church to expect tithing while dismissing the need to walk around wounded in penance with one eye or one hand.  This sounds like: “Jesus was speaking metaphorically.” “Revelation is an allegory.” “Follow the spirit of the law, not the letter.” “It was a different time then.” “Pay attention to the audience.” “Paul was too radical.” “Now we have the Holy Spirit.” This looks like a myriad of Christian factions, each picking and choosing what’s important to them and then standing in self-righteous arrogance above the other “poor Christians” who just don’t get it. (This frightening lesson is exactly why I did no research in the bible, or outside of it about it, in order to throw around quotes and scriptures in this blog to back up what I’m saying. That was not easy for me, as this is still deeply ingrained.)
  • Many Christian systems judge the obvious sins on a much harsher scale as a way to distract from the internal, insidious “smaller” sins. How dare you love another man, look at porn, sleep around, and get drunk! That is murder against God. But meanwhile, please go ahead and oppress your wife, ignore your children, overeat, think in your heart evil things, speak half-truths, manipulate people to feel powerful, walk past those hurting, cheat on your taxes, talk shit about people on social media, change spouses like underwear, horde your wealth, envy the covers of Sports Illustrated and People, crave approval and advancement, and throw trash on the ground!

And we wonder why people avoid the church like the plague and leave it like a convict released from jail. I did, but I’m still recovering. I’m still wondering. I’m still questioning. I’m still healing. But I’m also still praying and seeking God. And what I have discovered on my journey as of late is that:

God. is. Love.

Where there is Love, there is God.

And so, a faithful and devout christian, who is full of judgmental hate towards something they have little experience with, well… where is the Love?

Meanwhile, a lesbian couple adopts a homeless and unwanted child, eager to give generously of their life and heart, well, there is the Love.

But, just to be clear, I’m not making blanket statements. I am DONE with that.

And so, a faithful and devout Christian, who is full of service towards the poor and spends Sunday mornings on the street passing out sandwiches, humbly and sincerely, well…there is the Love.

Meanwhile, a gay man misuses his position of power to lull in little children to his game of perversion, well…where is the love?

We are just people, looking for Love. We are all just humans, searching for Love.

So do I support gay marriage? No.

I support the marriage of two people, two humans, looking to get and give Love.

And in that place of Love, there is God. And ultimately, THAT is the “side” I want to be on.

***Other voices & opinions on this topic. Please note these posts are a part of the conversation, but not necessarily a part of my conviction.***

11 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Stefani
    Jul 28, 2015 @ 10:12:14

    Wow. This. Is. Deep. I have thought so much of this it scares me. I have argued with myself, with God, with those closest to me…about this very issue. I am so afraid to even have an answer that I find myself burying my head in the sand. I am so proud of you, Mar. Your courage to speak. Your courage to love. I’m proud to call you friend.



  2. Otto
    Jul 28, 2015 @ 15:37:29

    Way to put your thoughts out there Mary! We come from very similar religious backgrounds, so I can connect with a lot of what you are saying. Especially this part: “…I’m still recovering. I’m still wondering. I’m still questioning. I’m still healing.”

    My big questions are these:
    1- Why not just love all people and leave the judgmental part out?
    2- Why even have laws/rules that look down upon the homosexual person?
    3- Why would an all loving God even allow for someone to be a homosexual it that person will then be condemned? Seems a bit cruel…
    4- Why allow such “devious” sexual thoughts into a persons heart if that is a sin?
    5- If we were made in God’s own image, then why are some people gay and lesbian? What does that say about God’s image?
    6 – Why would the Bible, or any holy book, condemn such a person to hell and or death here on Earth?

    What a horrible teaching, one that should be outlawed and banned now! This way of thinking is based solely on hate and ignorance. I wonder how many homosexuals the writers of the Bible actually knew? How about we teach support and true love that does not judge and treat others so horribly as to the point of death? My humble $.02.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Trackback: July 2015 LINK LIST on Gay Marriage | synchroblog
  4. Trackback: Marriage Equality – The Constantly Expanding Love of God | Michelle L. Torigian
  5. Trackback: Gay Marriage – Love is the Narrow Gate | Praying the Gospels
  6. Trackback: Imago Dei: Loving the Different | Full Contact Christianity
  7. Trackback: Same Sex Marriage “Stuff” – Part One | Grace Rules Weblog
  8. Trackback: Gay Marriage in Africa, USA and the World | VisionHub : VisionHub
  9. edpeters06
    Aug 25, 2015 @ 13:19:40

    Your courage to write this and dive into this deep issue is inspiring. Beautifully written, as always.



  10. Trackback: Love Wins
  11. Trackback: Justice for All - My Blog

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